Hui Yu 喻辉
Ms. Hui Yu was born in Sichuan province, China. Ms. Yu graduated from East China Normal University on a major of Teaching Biology. Now Ms. Yu is a postdoctoral research fellow position in Department of Internal Medicine, University of New Mexico. The two daughters of Ms. Yu studied Chinese in schools in 1) Nashville, TN, 2) Shanghai, China, and 3) Albuquerque, NM, so Ms. Yu has ample experience as a parent of kids learning Chinese. Ms. Yu taught the course of Appreciating Chinese Ancient Poetry in the 2020 Online Summer Camp of New Mexico Chinese School of Arts and Language (NMCSAL). Hui Yu has a Certificate of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) issued by CIFLTE, Teachers College, Columbia University in 2021. Ms. Yu's Mandarin speaking was officially certified as Grade 2+.
喻辉在哥伦比亚大学教中文课程项目的毕业视频 TCSOL 2021 Graduation
B. A. in Biology, East China Normal University
Certificate of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) issued by CIFLTE, Teachers College, Columbia University in 2021